ABQ to SLC- Longest Drive Ever

We got up really early today for our 11 1/2 hour drive today. After a frantic search for coffee (I didn’t sleep well last night) we were on our way north to Colorado and, ultimately, Utah.

Northern New Mexico was pretty cool. We drove through the boonies so we saw a lot of really cool scenery. Too bad Wes didn’t take any pictures with the camera. Loser.

But look! We’re in Colorado!

We only went through a small corner of Colorado, but somehow we stopped FOUR times! But it is very beautiful there! I could live there.

FINALLY we crossed the state line into Utah! I had to hand over the driving reins to Wes because I had a mini panic attack every time I had to drive around one of these.

It was intense and the other drivers were just driving all willy nilly. No thank you. We drove through 3 completely different terrains in Utah. Crazy rock formations like the one above, huge plateaus like this one,

and beautiful mountains like these.

The hardest part of this journey is talking it through with Grace. She is so upset that we don’t have a physical place to call home right now. Every few hours she will break down into tears and cry “I just want to go home!” It’s heart wrenching. I just want to wrap my arms around her to make her feel safe and secure.

Hopefully tomorrow will give her a chance to have some fun with some dearly missed friends in Salt Lake City, followed by a short drive to Boise.

1,145 miles down, 3,249 miles to go! Yikes.

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