Being Thankful


Dear Self,

You’re brain is about to explode. I can sense it. You’ve had just about enough of just about everything. The laundry, the messes, the slow computer, the dog who gets better and better at finding things to chew up just to spite you when you leave, the sassy mouthed kids, the never-ending story of things to do.

Every Saturday you go to bed grateful to be done with another week of activities, only to wake up on Monday with a new, overwhelming list of things to occupy your time: costumes, school deadlines, saying good-bye to friends who are moving away. Can a sister get a break?

Since your dangerously close to assuming the fetal position in the most obscure corner of the house, let’s try to turn the attitude around, okay? Let’s come up with some things you are grateful for this week.

How about the warm blanket wrapped around your legs? Or the fireplace? You’re thankful for this house that shelters you and your family and keeps you safe from the frigid cold already descending on your town.

Are you thankful to have these kids? You’ve been blessed with the opportunity to be a mother and love them. Nourish their little souls and raise them well. You don’t get to do this over again. Don’t waste your time being annoyed by all the demands of  motherhood.

What about the chance to live in crazy places like on the beach in Florida or among the mountains of Alaska? For a midwestern girl that’s a pretty awesome dream come true. Sure you have to struggle through some times without you’re husband, but in the end, it’s not too big of a deal. And you’ve done this before, you can do it again. And it’s almost over.

You’ve been dreaming of homeschooling the kids since they were born and now you get the chance! Remember how much you love it! How much you learn from it and what a blessing it is! Don’t feel like you have to do it perfectly (I know how you feel about doing things perfectly), you’re doing a great job. And if the kids get to sleep in once in awhile because it’s already dark at 8:30 in the morning, isn’t that one of the reasons you wanted to start? Geez, lady. You need to lighten up!

You’ve got friends that make you laugh and encourage you. Friends who inspire you to try harder, be better. Friends who listen and understand. You’re so thankful for that, right?

And what about that chicken you just put in the oven, smothered in pomegranate cranberry jalepeno sauce? That’s a heck of a lot better than the tator tots and taquitos you used to eat every night. Be thankful for the food you are blessed to be able to prepare.

And that pile of laundry? That just means you have clothes to wear.

I know how tired and worn out you are, how ready you are to lay your head on that pillow and close your eyes, but instead of being crabby about all the blessings you have to handle, let’s focus on being thankful that you even have them at all.

Chin up!


    1. That chicken smells delicious! I got the sauce at Costco, just in case you have one in your area and are a member. I’m sure you could make it, but Ain’t nobody got time for that!

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  1. Great job being thankful, I have to do this with myself on a regular basis, that is why I have this verse hanging on my kitchen wall… Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phil 4:8 God Bless you and your family.


  2. Hey Sarah, I’m one of those thankful ones who gets to live in Florida. And not just Florida, but SOUTH Florida where our winter high temperatures hover somewhere around 74. I’ll be whining in August when the humidity makes my hair look like a scrubbing pad but as you’ve reminded us, it’s about perspective and your is looking pretty good.


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