A Big Day

Dear Kiddos,

Today when I woke up I checked my phone. As always, I know. I read a blog about being all there in the moment and decided today I would delete Facebook from my phone. And I did. Right away. Then I committed to being really present during the day. No phone during meals, during school time, on walks. I decided I’d look you in the eyes when you spoke. Even if you were talking about the theme song to Sonic Underground. And I have.

I’m so glad I did this today. Because today all three of you approached me and asked me to help you ask Jesus to be in your hearts. Boys, you said you thought you had already done it, but weren’t sure you did it “right”. There is no “right” word to say, no specific prayer that suddenly changes your life. It’s a heart thing. God sees the workings of your heart. He knows your deepest desires. But I told you if you wanted to do it again with me, I’d be happy to be by your side. More than happy, really.

We sat in a circle as each of you did this huge thing, made this life-changing request. I cried. A lot. I probably could have handled it a little better emotionally if one of you had asked. All three of my babies at one time was a little rough for me, though.

Now this doesn’t mean your life will be easy or free from heartache. It doesn’t mean you’ll magically be able to make the right choices all the time or say the right things. You’ll still hurt people and people will still hurt you. But now you’ve asked God to be right there with you during those times. Loving you and helping you do better. Healing your heartbreaks. Leading you down a path He’s chosen for you and only you.  I trust Him with your lives.


I love you forever and always.

mommy signiture

  1. Oh my goodness. Tears! Tears! Tears! All three of them! Your obedience may have had a little something to do with it and made it even sweeter. You are truly blessed and so are they!


  2. This is so totally amazing! Praise God for his Holy Spirit working in their hearts! And I comment you for listening to his gentle nudge to set everything else aside and be there for your children for this very special and important day. Great job, Mom. This is such a good reminder for me to focus on what is important. I’m afraid too many times I’ve not listened to that nudge and continued to stay distracted.


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